Thursday, November 6, 2008

“A person’s worth is revealed in his attitude toward the ordinary things of life when he is not under the spotlight.” Oswald Chambers

The end is coming (of first quarter). Friday marks the first “ending” of this school year. The students have mixed feelings about this. Some are excited because it will be a half-day rather than a full-day of school. Some are relieved glad to have finished all of their work. Some are frantic trying to finish their work, yet others are neither agitated nor excited.

Have you ever felt irritated about completing something? Faced with duties below your position or that make you feel like you are wasting your time? Sometimes doing small things makes us feel small in the impact we might have. It is almost as if we lose sight of the main objective when stuck doing small things. There are times when I feel that some things do not make a difference. It is my failure to understand or comprehend the magnitude of when these things have an incredible influence upon the future.

Missed opportunity is one of those merciless and gnawing events. It eats away at a person causing sleeplessness, loss of appetite (or the opposite), depression, anger—and/or a lot of other discomforts. There is a story about a man in the Bible who did a simple thing really well. He did it so well that it had a major impact upon his life. His name was Enoch, and in Genesis 5:21-23, you can read about him. He loved God and spent time with Him. In the end he did not die, but was taken by God to heaven.

Oswald Chambers once said, “A person’s worth is revealed in his attitude toward the ordinary things of life when he is not under the spotlight.” Enoch did a simple thing well; he walked with God. Because he was focused on the right thing at the right time, it meant that he did not have to die. I wonder what would happen if each of us took the small things more seriously. How would the lives of those around us be influenced or even changed? 1 Peter 4:10 says, “Be generous with the different things God gave you, passing them around so all get in on it” (TMSG).

Since second quarter begins Monday, our students will have the opportunity to try doing the small things differently. I hope that some will understand better the importance of small things. I hope you will consider the small things that you are being asked to do, and consider doing them well. You never know what will happen.

Thanks for reading.

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