Wednesday, December 5, 2007

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to all whom his favor rests.” Luke 2:14 (NIV)

Where were you when it started to snow last Saturday? I found myself on a ladder climbing onto my roof to hang Christmas lights. I was somewhat caught off guard just how quickly a couple of snowflakes can become a blizzard of heavy wet snow. Being a die-hard Christmas light fan I kept working. However, I soon had to stop as my boys took turns pelting me with snowballs. There may be three of them, and they may be younger, but my aim is still good! We soon were in the thrill and fun of trying to hit each other with the slippery white stuff. Soaking wet and tired we went in to the house for something hot to drink. It was great fun!

The season of Advent can be a wonderful time. In the gospel of Luke chapter 2, one can read about one of the first air shows and outdoor musical events on record. This amazing event was complete with shepherds, sheep, angels, and fabulous, fantastic, great news! Which brings me back to why I was on the roof in the first place, I do not know about you, but I really enjoy Christmas lights. My philosophy about lights is similar to my philosophy about power tools—one can never have too many! In fact, the best gift (in my opinion) to give a person is a cordless drill. It really does not matter if they already have one—they can always use a backup.
You might be wondering, “What do Christmas lights have to do with the Christmas story?” Well, when I decorate our home with lights, etc., I am not one who is surrendering to Christmas commercialism. Rather, I am devoting the time as an act of worship. God commissioned angels to roll back the night filling it with blazing light and He provided a celestial choir to serenade a few startled shepherds (not a group from the highest of social networks). On top of that, He then graced the heavens with a magnificent star. If He went to all this trouble to open our eyes to His entry into the world, then we need not apologize for adorning our home with a few seasonal reminders.

This time is about Him, so give Him glory as you decorate your home, and celebrate the season. I pray that your homes and lives be filled with joy, peace, love, and generosity this Christmas!

Thanks for reading.

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